Unlawful Police Stops and Bradenton DUIs
DUI Attorneys Serving Manatee County, Florida
At times, an unlawful police stop will lead to Manatee County DUI charges. What can you do if you believe that you were unlawfully pulled over and arrested? The first step would be to consult a DUI attorney as soon as possible.
At The Law Place, we are here to help. During a free consultation, we can go over your situation with you and determine whether you may have been subject to an unlawful police stop. Should you decide to work with a DUI lawyer at our firm, we can review the police report and the officer’s testimony to prove that the officer did not have probable cause to pull you over and arrest you for drunk driving. If this is the case, this can positively affect your case in a number of ways.
At your DMV hearing, one of the factors that will need to be proven for your license suspension to take place is that you were lawfully arrested. During your criminal case the prosecuting attorney will need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of driving under the influence. Proving an unlawful police stop is one of many ways that your attorney can weaken the prosecution’s case against you and work to secure an acquittal on your behalf.
What is an Unlawful Police Stop?
An unlawful police stop would be one which occurs when the officer does not have probable cause to pull you over for suspected DUI. Probable cause would be reasonable suspicion or proof that you were driving under the influence, such as swerving, speeding, breaking a traffic law or driving too slowly.
Were you the victim of an unlawful police stop in Manatee County? If you are now facing Bradenton DUI charges, you need to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. At The Law Place, we offer a free initial consultation to get you started.
Contact our firm today!